The Cathedral of Saint Thomas More News:

Art and Environment

How lovely your dwelling, O Lord of hosts!(Psalm 84:2)

The Art and Environment Committee is responsible for maintaining a seasonally appropriate, beautiful sacred environment within the Cathedral.  This is vital to the proper celebration of the Sacred Liturgy not only for parish services, but for the Diocesan services as well.  The committee accomplishes this by studying appropriate Church documents, Bishop’s rubrics, creative planning, and the implementation of same with approval received from the Rector and/or the Bishop’s staff.  Their work is performed in order to inspire and welcome all who enter the Cathedral.

Donation for Altar Flowers

Many people have special days in the year which they commemorate. Flowers on the altar of the Cathedral can fittingly mark the anniversary of a birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage or death, or may be used as an expression of joy of thanksgiving at any time.

When flowers are given in thanksgiving or as a memorial, a special prayer is offered and an announcement printed in the Sunday bulletin. Anyone may give flowers at the Cathedral for any Sunday desired (except during Lent). If more than one gift is received for a Sunday, the additional money is placed in the general Flower Fund. After Sunday Masses the flowers remain in front of the altar for weekday liturgies. The suggested donation for Altar Flowers is $125.00 for a standard arrangement.

Christmas and Easter gifts are used for the flowers and plants which decorate our church during these seasons. During Lent we do not place flowers on the Altar.

If you would like to make an online donation for flowers on a particular Sunday, and/or for Christmas, Easter, or the Thanksgiving Day Mass, please complete the form below which includes information on payment.

Flower Donation Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • You have three options to make your payment to the STM Flower Fund: 1. In person at the Rectory. Simply drop off your check made out to "Cathedral of St. Thomas More" and put in the memo line "Flower Fund." 2. Mail your check to the Rectory. Address the envelope to "STM Flower Fund, Cathedral of St. Thomas More, 3901 Cathedral Lane, Arlington, VA 22203." 3. Pay online using Faith Direct! Use the link below to go to Faith Direct.

If you have any questions, please contact Michele Bueno by email.